I Got The Music In Me

After recently being diagnosed with a minor health condition and having to take a little time off to get it under control and start really taking care of myself, I recently had this thought. “I Got The Music in Me” and I love that old song. I do have the music in me, but with any of us, we can change that word “Music” to whatever colorful word that inspires us or a word that we know is in our core being.

I’ve always been a writer at heart and now with the speech to text features in many of our devices, I can talk text and edit later when I need to or have words flowing out of me faster than I can type. Not to mention that a part of my health condition makes it a little hard to actually type at times so it doesn’t stop me from getting some of this stuff inside me out. When I can, I love to write with pen to paper and let the creativity flow. Of course, now we can use AI (artificial intelligence) to write for us some if need be, but when it comes to creative writing or letting my thoughts flow, I will stick to the good ol’ traditional way and save the AI for technical and practical writing. I haven’t actually tried AI writing yet, but do plan on delving into the newly discovered digital artform. I’m a bit old school, but new school entices me as well.

Music has always been a core element to my being. I will go out and sing occasionally at the local karaoke bar, but my real love is writing songs and poetry. I know I don’t share that much on here, but since the voice is my only real instrument, I am challenged when it comes to actually getting music behind my lyrics. I can sing it acapella to get the melody out and I can pick out the melody and potentially add some chords from a piano, but nothing else. So in order to get some of my music out there, I would need collaborators. I can hear all the instruments in my head with a song I’ve written and could direct other musicians. It would be music to my ears to hear someone else sing my songs on the radio. One of my goals as a singer is to be a one hit wonder, but my end goal would be to live out my life as a songwriter, a novelist and content writer.

So with down time, comes the much needed reflection time on the direction that my life is leading me. Apparently, I don’t have a say so in that direction sometimes. I get the feeling it is time for me to “answer the call” to a core element of my soul that I have been ignoring by being “too busy” in life. The last time I answered a call, I opened up a full blown small animal rescue and still operate it to this day. That was 10 years ago and while it still has its challenges, I am managing and ready to pass the torch to the next line of beautiful souls that have a passion for animals. I will still be very much involved, however, I will slowly wane from being an animal caregiver to a mentor and organizer for others that I have blazed a path for. That way, I can actually frolic and play with the animals while someone else does the daily routine stuff. I’ve paid my dues and that is my reward.

Loving animals is a core element to my being just like writing is. Maybe there is a time to everything and to everything there is a season..right? These three things are me –a great love for animals, writing and creating beautiful environments. I’ve worked as a house painter for the last 10 years as well and slowly moving into the hospitality world by working in a hotel. What a combination …just imagine what I could do with that in the future. I have a knack for taking any space and rejuvenating the energy. We will see where that leads me in the future, but for now, with my newly found downtime, I guess it’s time for me to answer this call. I’m just going to let it flow in whatever form it wants to show up. That could be blogging, journaling, creative writing, content writing, songwriting, copywriting, AI writing…whatever form that wants to be born from my soul.

Go listen to the song..” I got the music in me…I got the music in me…I got the music in me…..

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